
Request for Christmas Card 2021

Christmas is now over and card have been sent. I wish you the best.

The Clock Hands Problem

So, I am preparing for an interview and want to start out with the problem. The Clock Hands problem states “Write a function that returns the acute angle between two clock hands, with two integers for the number of hours and number of minutes.” Let’s start thinking. Here is what I think is important to […]

Web Hosting Billing System Progress

It has been some time since I have provided an update on the hosting situation offered on my site.  For awhile now my custom billing system has been down and I have decided not to use Blesta leaving the hosting in somewhat of a limbo.  Well, I have some good news.  The custom solution is […]

2018 Credit Karma Tax Review

It’s that dreaded time of the year again, tax time.  Most of us do not like doing taxes, however, there is software that does make the job a little easier.  The problem with some is that they can cost quite a bit of money.  Yet, there is one solution that stands out for being completely […]

Go Chase the Butterflies Ginsberg

On November 28, 2017 my wife and I had to make the decision to put our cat to sleep.  It was a hard decision to make as he was for the most part healthy except for one thing; he may have had a brain tumor. It all started on November 16, 2017.  I came home […]